Day 10: Evolution Valley

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My backpack, ready to go, complete with laundry hanging to dry.

The San Joaquin River, complete with bridge

View from the bridge

There were many beautiful waterfalls on the way up to Evolution Valley

The crossing of Evolution Creek was the most challenging stream crossing we faced on the entire trip. There seemed to be no way across that wasn't at least 6 inches deep in water. In retrospect, I think there was a path for hikers somewhere further away that we missed.

Evolution Valley

PB+J, backpacking-style. Yes, my hands are extremely dirty.

View of the valley from the switchbacks up to Evolution Lake.

We tried to find camping around Evolution Lake, but there were no available sites. Instead, we continued on to Sapphire Lake, which had a camping site according to Joel's GPS. When we got there, we failed to find the camping site, so we ended up walking to the next lake. We finally managed to find a moderately acceptable site at the south end of that lake at 11,300 ft. It was a very windy night, and the coldest we had up to that point.
Sadly, I have no pictures after Evolution Lake because we all started to get cranky about the lack of a decent campsite.

Final Tally:
16.8 miles
3300 ft up, 0 ft down

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