Day 15: Forester Pass

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Psyching up for the day, it is supposed to be the most challenging climb except for the last day.

Climbing out of the Bubbs Creek valley

I loved these rock formations


This was, I think, the only major climb that Ian bested me on.
I love the snow in the second photo, it made me think of the textbook definition of "stiff peaks" in a cookbook.
One good thing about Forester Pass was that you could see the pass from a long ways away, so there was a definite objective. You can see the pass in both of these photos.

From the top of the pass
The first photo looks to the south
The last photo looks to the north, at the switchbacks we had just climbed

Caltech Peak!

Joel takes a break while Ian filters some water

We camped about half a mile past the Tyndall Creek Ranger Station junction. We couldn't have a campfire at this elevation, so we cooked ourselves a large dinner using up some of our excess meals.

Final Tally:
11.5 miles
3300 ft up, 2300 ft down
3 marmots
2 pikas

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